Five Fast Facts about Iron Deficiency

Here are five fast facts about iron deficiency that you may not have known:

  1. Approximately 5% of Canadian children aged 1 to 5 suffer from iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Is your child at risk?
  2. Hemoglobin levels of 12 – 17 g/dl for females and 13 – 18 g/dl for males is considered normal. Check out what tests you can expect when screening for iron deficiency
  3. It is estimated that 20% of women of childbearing age are iron deficient and 50% of pregnant women develop iron deficiency. Find out why women need iron throughout their entire lifetime
  4. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 2 billion people are anemic, many due to iron deficiency. That’s more than 30% of the world’s population! Did you know that iron deficiency is preventable? Find out what you can do
  5. According to a paper published in the Cardiology Journal Heart, iron deficiency is present in 30 – 50% of patients with heart failure and has been associated with poorer medical outcomes including a higher risk of death. Find out more about the connection between iron deficiency and your heart




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