If you’ve been experiencing symptoms that may indicate anemia, then your doctor may run a series of appropriate tests to make a definitive diagnosis. Let’s get right to it and take a look at what you can expect when being tested for ID and IDA.
Category: Featured Articles
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Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy
Pregnant women have a significantly increased risk of iron deficiency and related anemia – as many as 50% of all pregnant women develop iron deficiency anemia as noted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute – and if left untreated, it can prove dangerous for both mom and baby.
4 Things You Should Discuss With Your Doctor
If you suspect that you may be iron deficient, get yourself to the doctor for proper diagnosis! Knowing what questions to ask, about everything from testing to supplementing your iron, can help you get to the bottom of your symptoms so that you can start feeling like yourself again.
The Importance of Iron for Your Well-Being
While most people know that they need iron, few actually understand just how essential it is to our physical and mental health. Here is a quick lesson in iron to help you better understand its importance for well-being.
My Work With Dr. Marla Shapiro!
Earlier this year I had the privilege of working on a project for Canadian Health & Family, hosted by Dr. Marla Shapiro, for a segment called Understanding and Treating Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia – maybe you’ve seen this segment which originally aired on CTV, or you’ve seen it playing in waiting rooms across Canada!
Available Iron Supplements for Your Kids
If your child is diagnosed with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, a doctor will likely recommend using an iron supplement as well as increasing the amount of iron rich foods in his/her diet. Iron supplementation can be a bit tricky in children. Let’s face it; kids can be finicky so trying to get them to eat foods that are rich in iron can be hard enough, let alone trying to get them to take an iron supplement.
Think You Might Be Iron Deficient? Check Your Symptoms!
While I have previously discussed the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency, I would like to introduce you to the Iron Deficiency/Iron Deficiency Anemia Symptoms Checker!
Signs & Symptoms of Iron Deficiency
Many of the symptoms related to iron deficiency can be attributed to other causes in today’s often busy lifestyle. However, when there is a collection of specific symptoms, it would be in your best interest to check with your physician and exclude iron deficiency as a cause.
The Progression of Iron Deficiency
Often, a person’s anemia is found through routine screening at the doctor’s office or after they begin to experience the symptoms of iron deficiency, commonly fatigue. Iron deficiency anemia doesn’t just happen though, but rather progresses through different stages that take it from iron depletion to full-blown anemia.
How Much Iron Are You Getting From Your Food?
When diagnosed with iron deficiency, you’re bound to be told to eat more iron-rich foods, but what does that actually mean for you and your grocery shopping list? What should you be looking for? Well, that’s what I’ll answer for you right here.
What’s On the Menu at My House for Thanksgiving?
Anytime we’re told to alter our diets, for medical reasons or otherwise, we’re quick to think “yuck” and assume that meal time is going to become a bit of a pain in the you-know-what. And with the holidays fast approaching, you may be worrying about what that will do to your family gatherings. Thankfully, increasing the amount of iron-rich foods in your diet doesn’t mean having to forego all of your holiday favourites or subjecting your guests to a less-than-appetizing feast.
Why Are Bariatric Patients At Risk for ID & IDA?
This past Saturday I had the honour of speaking with a group of amazing people, The Coalition of Bariatric Patients of Southern Ontario (CBPSO), at their annual meet and greet held this year in Paris, Ontario. This is the second year I have been asked to speak on the topic of iron deficiency and how it relates to the Bariatric patient. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, not only because I have a specific interest in patients with iron deficiency related to malabsorption, but because I am one of them. Continue reading
How Many Adults Are Iron Deficient?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficit in the world as well as the leading cause of anemia. Let’s take a look at whom iron deficiency is affecting with some interesting statistics, from Canada and the world.
Is Your Child At Risk?
Children tend to have a higher risk of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) than adults, with some child groups being at greater risk than others. Let’s take a look at these groups and what it is that puts them at a greater risk for this deficiency, which can lead to decreased immunity, impaired cognitive function, and more. Continue reading
Are YOU At Risk?
While anyone can experience iron-deficiency, some have a higher risk than others for developing iron deficiency and anemia. Let’s take a look at the adult at-risk groups. Continue reading
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Iron Deficiency
There is so much more to iron deficiency than just not getting enough iron! I’ve rounded up the top 10 things my patients are surprised to learn about iron deficiency. Knowing these things can help you make better choices. Here we go… Continue reading
3 Symptoms that Point to Iron Deficiency
With the hectic lives that many of us lead, it’s not surprising that the signs of iron deficiency often get brushed off or even go entirely unnoticed, often until the iron stores have been depleted to the point of a person becoming anemic. Continue reading
Supplementation Options for Adults
If you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, chances are you been advised to use oral iron supplements, along with eating more foods rich in iron. Though there are several available at your pharmacy, resist the urge to just pick up any supplement because iron deficiency is not something you should try to treat on your own. Working with your doctor or pharmacist will allow you to get the right type and dose, and hopefully limit the undesired effects you may experience.
Types of Iron Deficiency
Did you know there are different types of Iron Deficiency? A person can become iron deficient or anemic for different reasons and this isn’t limited to adults, but can actually happen to people of all ages, with some types of anemia being more common than others. Let’s look at some of the types of anemia for a better understanding of who is at risk and why.