World Blood Donor Day

Blood Donation Day June 14 (IronMaiden Website)

Sunday, June 14th is World Blood Donor Day as declared by the World Health Organization (WHO). I’ve written in the past about my need for blood donation and the importance of post-donation iron supplementation for those who donate blood regularly.

For those who donate blood, I am forever grateful for your help when I was in need. Thank you for saving my life.

In celebration of World Blood Donor Day and those who donate, here is an infographic for you showing the importance of blood donation.

Happy World Blood Donor Day!



































Content and advice provided on The Iron Maiden is for information purposes only and should not serve as a substitute for a licensed health care provider, who is knowledgeable about an individual’s unique health care needs











Iron Deficiency: From Symptoms to Supplements

You know those days where fatigue just gets the better of you and you spend your day feeling sluggish and unable to concentrate? If you were up late the night before or have had an especially hard and stressful week, then having a day like this may feel pretty normal. But, if you can’t pinpoint a cause for the way you’re feeling or find yourself feeling like that far too often, then you could be experiencing the symptoms of low iron.

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Kelly: From the Challenges of Iron Deficiency to an IronMan Challenger

My name is Kelly and I am iron deficient. My iron levels were never great after the birth of my first child. The blood loss was massive, the doctors pondered my need for a blood transfusion and prescribed me ferrous sulfate to help out. It brought my levels up enough, but I had low iron levels from then on; never low enough to cause alarm, but enough (I would think) to play havoc with my energy levels.

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I Wonder if MY 70 Blood Donors Know The Importance of Post-Donation Iron Supplementation

As the recipient of 70 units of blood last year (for bone marrow failure), I know first-hand how important blood donation is, and I am forever grateful for those who helped me when I was in need. On the weekend, I heard an announcement from Canadian Blood Services (CBS); while they are always in need of donors, their current inventory of O-negative blood is very low and they are asking for donors to come forward.

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So, I’m Feeling Fine… Should I Stop Taking My Iron Supplement?

You know how the doctor always stresses that you should finish a round of antibiotics even if you feel better, yet you still sometimes stop the second your symptoms are gone? That’s pretty much how it goes for iron supplements too. People tend to take them as advised because they feel run down, but as soon as they start to feel like themselves again, they might push their iron supplement to the back of the medicine cabinet. Continue reading

Available Iron Supplements for Your Kids

If your child is diagnosed with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, a doctor will likely recommend using an iron supplement as well as increasing the amount of iron rich foods in his/her diet. Iron supplementation can be a bit tricky in children. Let’s face it; kids can be finicky so trying to get them to eat foods that are rich in iron can be hard enough, let alone trying to get them to take an iron supplement.

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