So, I’m Feeling Fine… Should I Stop Taking My Iron Supplement?

You know how the doctor always stresses that you should finish a round of antibiotics even if you feel better, yet you still sometimes stop the second your symptoms are gone? That’s pretty much how it goes for iron supplements too. People tend to take them as advised because they feel run down, but as soon as they start to feel like themselves again, they might push their iron supplement to the back of the medicine cabinet. Continue reading

How Many Children Are Iron Deficient?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world as well as the leading cause of anemia.  Unfortunately, children are among the most affected and the prevalence of ID and IDA in children is high. The following statistics will give you a better understanding of just how big a problem iron deficiency is among children in Canada and the world.

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